Text Routing Definitions
  • 30 Jun 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Text Routing Definitions

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Article summary

It allows you to direct the messages coming from costumers sent to your company to the correct destination in the system. These messages first come to text routing. The text messages are routed according to the rules listed here. Rules are processed one by one. If the chat message matches a rule, it applies that rule. If the system does not proceed with all routing options, the system ignores the test request. If it doesn't match any rule.
After the definitions are made, messages can be sent to the system via API, Infobip Whatsapp, Twilio Whatsapp, Twilio SMS, Webbased-webchat, 360Dialog. You can forwarding chat messages from different applications to the correct webchat queue in this area.
There are 3 destinations the chat message can go. These are webchat skills, hangup or redirect. You can access the Webchat queue definition here.


You access in the "Text Routing" header of the "PBX Management" menu in the left panel.

You can add a Webchat queue for a text routing. Therefore, you can prioritize these webchat queues by using the order feature. Mandatory fields that must be filled while making this definition are Route name, Order, Destination type, Trunk Type. You can fill in other fields based on structure and requirement of your company. The "Welcome Text" and "Notes" to be entered in this field goes over the "Welcome Text" and "Notes" you enter in the webchat queue. If you fill in this information in this field, the client and agent will see this information when the chat starts.

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Field NameExplanation
Route nameText routing name should be written in this field. It may be related to the Trunk type you use.
OrderOrder determines which stop the chat messages will arrive first. The numerical value you set in this field determines which route the chat message will go first. The order value of 0 is the first and 100 is the last.
Destination TypeThere are 3 ways that the chat message can go. These are webchat skills, hangup or redirect. If you choose Webchat queue, you should enter the box that opens next to the webchat queue where this message will arrive.
Caller idIf you want to receive chat messages only from specific numbers, you can define these numbers in this field.
Called(did)If you want to send chat messages only to specific numbers, you can define these numbers in this field.
Trunk TypeIn this field, you must select the trunk type of the chat application you are using. With Tegsoft, you can use API, Infobip Whatsapp, Twilio Whatsapp, Twilio SMS, Webbased-webchat, 360Dialog applications.
TrunkWhen trunk id is entered in this field, only messages received through this trunkid can join this rule.
SubjectWhen subject is entered in this field, only messages received through this subject can join this rule. Trunk takes priority over subject.
Time ConditionsHere you can choose two different options as “Inperiod” and “Out of period”. After selecting this field, another combobox will open on its side and time conditions must be entered in this field. If the message in the route does not match the time condition, the condition we set in the "Destination type" becomes active.
Contact ConditionsYou should use this field if text routing will be used for specific customer. For example, VIP customers.
Welcome TextIt is the automatic text that the customer who starts the chat messages will see on the chat screen.
NotesA general notification can be made from this field to the agents who will receive messages from this route.

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