Connexease Integration
  • 18 Dec 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Connexease Integration

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Article summary

Connexease is an integrator company that integrates WhatsApp Business API, Facebook Messenger and Instagram Direct Message.

WARNING: Please be aware that the Connexease IP must be allowed in the firewall. (

For Integration

Necessary steps to perform the integration;

  1. Facebook Business account must be verified. (The Connexease team provides support in this regard.)

  2. On the Partner side,

    1. For Whatsapp: The WhatsApp line from which written messages will be received must be defined in the Inbound Calls field and connected to a queue/extension output.

  3. The Verification Code is requested by the Admin user by triggering the button on the Facebook Business page.

  4. The code in the call that comes to the Tegsoft system and is answered without IVR is written into the password entry field opened on the page where the Verification Code is requested on the Facebook Business page.

After these procedures, other steps will be carried out by the Partner team together with Connexease.

The information to be provided by Connexease is as follows:

  1. Username

  2. Password

  3. Account id

  4. channel id

The actions to be taken with the information provided are as follows;

  1. Click on Management > Contact Center Settings > Text Accounts.

  1. Click the Insert (plus sign) button to create a Text Account.

  1. Type an Account name with the name Connexease... in the Account name field. (correct as blank space).Select the Account Type ans Save.

  2. Select the necessary Channeltype and save.

  3. Write the Channeluid which its provided by Connexease team.

  4. Write in the URL section.

  5. Paste the Username information sent by Connexease into the username field.

  6. Paste the Password information sent by Connexease into the Password field.

  7. Paste the Account ID information sent by Connexease into the Account id field.

  8. Write the customer's Whatsapp number in the Number field.

  9. Click on the Save button.

  1. Click on Infrastructure Management > Text Routing.

    1. Click the Insert (plus with a User sign) button to create a Text Routing.

    2. Select the Planned Destination Type.

      1. If each channel is wanted to be directed to its own queue : By defining a separate rule on the text forwarding screen, trunktype connexease is selected and the trunkid is written to the number created in the messaging accounts. It can be directed either to a single webchat queue or by creating separate queues.

      2. If you want to be guided by a single rule: By defining a rule on the text forwarding screen, trunktype connexease is selected and trunkid is left blank.

    3. Select Connexease as Trunk Type.

    4. Enter the channel ID information provided by Connexease in the Called (DID) field.

    5. Enter the Tegsoft Account ID information that occurs when you create Text Accounts in the Trunk field.

  2. Webhook

For communication to begin, you must create and forward a Webhook to the Connexease team with the information obtained from the definitions you have made in the Tegsoft system. Connexease IP must be allowed in the firewall. (

Webhook content that needs to be created:

For Instagram: 

https://{Customerhostname}/Tobe/app/ApplicationServlet?externalService=textRouter&TRUNKTYPE=CONNEXEASE&TRUNKID={TEGSOFT_ACCOUNT_NUMBER for Instagram}&channelId={CONNEXEASE_INSTA_CHANNEL_ID information transmitted by connexease}

For WhatsApp: 

https://{Customerhostname}/Tobe/app/ApplicationServlet?externalService=textRouter&TRUNKTYPE=CONNEXEASE&TRUNKID={TEGSOFT_ACCOUNT_NUMBER for WhatsApp}&channelId={CONNEXEASE_WP_CHANNEL_ID information transmitted by connexease}

For Facebook Messanger: 

https://{Customerhostname}/Tobe/app/ApplicationServlet?externalService=textRouter&TRUNKTYPE=CONNEXEASE&TRUNKID={TEGSOFT_ACCOUNT_NUMBER for Facebook Messanger}&channelId={CONNEXEASE_FB_CHANNEL_ID information transmitted by connexease}

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