Agent Greeting
  • 11 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Agent Greeting

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Article summary

An Agent Greeting is a pre-recorded audio message in the agent’s voice used during inbound, outbound, or campaign calls. Instead of repeatedly delivering the same messages, agents can record these greetings once. The system can automatically play the greeting at the start of a call or allow agents to trigger it manually at any point during the conversation, such as when placing a customer on hold with messages like "Your request is being processed, please hold."

Using the Agent Greeting feature is optional. For example, Agent A may choose to use pre-recorded messages, while Agent B may prefer to communicate directly with customers without them.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Agent Greeting

1. Click the settings icon marked by the red arrow on the Agent Desktop.

2. From the settings menu, select AnnounceSettings to set up and manage announces.

3. Setting Up and Managing Announces

Open/Closed Selection:

  • Open: Automatically plays the announce at the beginning of the call.
  • Closed: Allows agents to manually trigger announces during the call.

Uploading Audio Files:

  • Click the arrow icon to upload pre-recorded announces.

Recording Voice Messages:

  • Click the record icon to instantly create and save a custom announce.

Playing Recorded Messages:

  • Click the play icon to listen to the selected announce.

Deleting Messages:

Click the trash icon to delete outdated or unnecessary announces.

4. Uploading Announces

After an announce is recorded, the following screen will appear. The recordType (Inbound, Outbound, or Campaign) can be selected to determine where the announce will be used. A name (e.g., "Closing Announce") is then assigned to the announce. Once set, Upload is clicked to save the announce.

5. Playing Announces During Calls

When multiple voice recordings are available,the agent can select and play the appropriate announce during the call. Using the combobox, the agent can choose which announce to play, and it will be instantly heard by the customer in the agent's voice.

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