- 25 Jun 2021
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User Management Details
- Updated on 25 Jun 2021
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A new user is defined to the system on this screen. Users take their names according to their authorization in the system. It can be an agent that receives and sends calls or an authorized administrator for all system applications. Authority is given to users in two ways. The first is the primary role assignment, the second is the authority to be assigned from the authority section at the bottom of the page. This authority determines the screens that the user can open in the system and the processes to be used on these screens.
In order to access to Skills Menu, click on the “System Management – User Management” field. Through this menu, in direction of needs, new user can be created, or user settings can be changed.
In this screenshot, all the titles to be defined in this menu are given. Detailed explanations of the titles are explained step by step below.
Result Section and Filter Section
With filtering, you can quickly find the result you are looking for. There are many different filter options available.
You can find information about the use of the icons on the left panel in this link.
Basic Settings
Field Name | Explanation |
Primary role | The authorization group of the newly created user is selected. (For example; Supervisor, Admin, Agent will select.) |
User code | Name that newly created user will log into the system. |
Password | Password that the newly created user will log into the system. (It should be a long password with letters and numbers) |
Name | The field for the user to enter their name. |
Surname | The field for the user to enter their surname. |
Authentication type | If institutions have usernames and encryption systems, Tegsoft application can also be matched with these usernames and passwords. For example, users' computer login names and passwords can be used. |
Authantication usercode | If Authentication type is selected, the code of Authantication usercode must be entered in this field. |
Time condition | It specifies the time the user will log into the system. Usually this field is left blank. For the user to enter the system at any time. |
Expire date | At the end of the time to be entered in this field, the user cannot login to the system. |
Expired | If checked, the user becomes an invalid user. |
Id | The ID can only be edited at the first login. A unique value for users can be entered (for example: Personel ID ). If not entered, the system will assign a value after saving. |
Last login date | It shows the last date the user logged into the system. |
The authorization specifies the screens that users can access and the operations they can do on the system. When you assign users to the primary role, you define their automatic authorization.
Authorization assignment can be made in this section for other authorization. For example, a user whose primary role is an agent can access reports with the authorization to be given in this field and can use other features of the system.
The following operations must be done
The following information refers to the fields that should be filled at least when defining the extension. To define a more complex user, consider the field descriptions above.
Note: Fields marked in red are mandatory fields. If it is left blank, it cannot be registered and you will see a warning in the pop-up.
-A new record is opened with the + key. Primary role, User code, Password, Name, Surname and Id(Extension) fields must be filled.
-The primary role determines the user's authority on the system. Supervisor, agent or admin authority can be selected. The appropriate one should be chosen.
-User code and password are the information that the user will log into the system.
-Name and surname are not mandatory but must be entered. User's Name and surname information must be entered. So you know who the user is.
Note: A new user must be defined for a new employee. You should not continue with an account of a logged off user. You will get an error in historical reporting.