Tegsoft Release Notes (20250120)
  • 09 Mar 2025
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Tegsoft Release Notes (20250120)

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Article summary

A. Introduction

Welcome to the release notes for Tegsoft.

The release notes include key details about Tegsoft releases, including information on new and improved features, and bug fixes. Please review the topics carefully, as they include late-breaking information that may not be available in other Tegsoft documentation.

Tegsoft is a software company that follows CMMI standards, please check support process articles for further details.

There are seven stages in the development process

  1. To Do: Any development task starts with this stage.

  2. In Progress: Once the development process starts, the task moves to this stage.

  3. Waiting/Blocked: If any external action is required (like sample data, customer feedback, some sub-results, etc.)

  4. Test Waiting: Tasks are moved to this stage after development and developer tests are completed.

  5. Test In Progress: All the development tasks that have an impact on the Tegsoft baseline always go through the test process. The test process is part of the Quality Assurance Policy of Tegsoft Company.

  6. Test Failed: After the test stage if any update is required; because of a major malfunction, minor errors, styling/multi-language issues, or any quality issue; the task goes from the "Test In Progress" stage to the "Test Failed" stage.

  7. Done: Once the task goes through all the automated/manual testing processes successfully, the task moves to the "Done" stage.  

Active sprint tasks can be monitored from this link.

There are three types of major releases for Tegsoft products,

  • Alpha Release: This release includes all the updates developed and tested by the developer. The "alpha release" is the most frequent release of the major three. Once related development is done and tested by the developer Alpha Release is created automatically. So this release includes all the updates for the tasks in the "Waiting/Blocked", "Test Waiting", "Test In Progress", "Test Failed" and "Done" stages. This release is not recommended for critical production environments but is usually stable enough to apply after user tests. Applying directly without tests may cause unexpected results and loss of time or money. UAT or Pre-production environments are always recommended for a better upgrade experience.

  • Beta Release: The Beta Release is produced by sourcing an Alpha Release, so it basically includes all the updates of that Alpha Release. Some tasks/updates included in the "Beta Release" may be fully tested and some may be included just after the developer test. Beta releases are more stable than the "Alpha Releases", and they are published after Regression Tests. Tegsoft Test Team performs automated and/or manual testing steps before calling out an "Alpha Release" as a "Beta Release". Once Beta Release is published, some test results may be published with it. You can check this article link for further release-specific details frequently. Beta Releases are usually published once a week or biweekly.

  • Stable Release (SR): This is the published release of Tegsoft products and it includes only the "Done" stage tasks. Even though, this release is published after several tests and is safe to apply directly, a UAT or Pre-production environment is always recommended for a better upgrade experience. Just because of several testing and quality assurance steps usually SR is behind Beta Release and is rare in publishing frequency. All the SR details are published in this article link. SRs are usually published once or twice a year.

You can access on-premise upgrading instructions with your partner credentials via this link.

B. Information About Release Notes 🔍

The purpose of the Release Notes communicate the major new features and changes in this release of Tegsoft. It also documents known problems and workarounds.

This Release Note is comprised of four sections:

1. What's New?

New Feature Notes describe and announce the new features of development for Tegsoft products. Every item listed under this section describes the basics of a newly developed feature. Detailed descriptions/instructions will be accessible from the links provided at the end of the new feature description.

2. What's Improved?

Improvement Notes describe changes, in a feature/function that is already active.

The types of changes are listed below:

• Data field updates (removal or addition of fields)

• Changes in reports or applications

• API functionality changes

• Performance improvements

• Layout changes

3. What's Fixed?

Fix Notes are the list of known and fixed customer-reported defects or security fixes. Some instructions or workarounds may be described.

4. Related Documentation

Related Documentation is the list of links for more information related to the release.

C. Pinned Notes 📌


❗Please visit here for Warnings and Announcements.

⚠️ Please visit here for Recommended Configurations.

D. What's New? ⚡️

1. To/CC fields and the Template feature have been added to the Contacts and Tickets screens under the CRM menu, allowing for more organized email communication. (DEV-3981)

CRM > Contacts:

CRM > Tickets:

E. What's Fixed? 🔧

1. Fixed the issue with department visibility scenarios ensuring correct visibility rules for both authorized and unauthorized users. (DEV-4141 / 129705)

2. Fixed minor issues in the Conference Management screen. (DEV-1264)

3. Issues affecting the processing of audio files and the generation of analysis images in campaign calls have been resolved, ensuring accurate results. (DEV-4117 / 129604)

4. Fixed a login issue causing a white screen for softphone users. (DEV-4073 / 129572)

5. Resolved an issue with the call group filter in CDR reports. (DEV-4064 / 129533)

6. Attended Transfer audio file filtering issue has been resolved. (DEV-4027 / 129433)

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