HTTP Integration
  • 17 Apr 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

HTTP Integration

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Article summary

Since Tegsoft cannot download files with Webservice technology, it provides some integration operations with HTTP protocol. The file can be read from Tegsoft system with authorized, secure access with http clients.
All HTTP services serve in the following format.

http: // TEGSOFT_SERVERIP / Tobe / app / ApplicationServlet? externalService = SERVICE_NAME ¶Meter0_name = PARAMETER0_VALUE¶meter1_name = PARAMETER1_VALUE … .¶Metern_name = PARAMETERn_VALUE  

TEGSOFT_SERVERIP address in this address is the address of the server where Tegsoft system is installed (such as, SERVICE_NAME expression is the access names of the services given in the table on the left. Each service can receive additional information in the format parameter0_name = PARAMETER0_VALUE as required.
Since HTTP services mean access and use of Tegsoft infrastructure, it is a process performed with user authorization. The client application that will use the HTTP service is required to verify with a valid user code and password. User code and password are verified according to the rules specified in the heading "User Management".

The user code and password used for HTTP are used only to authenticate access. It is sufficient for the users to be valid, to have their password verified and to have the "Call Webservice" authority. The data access privileges of the specified users are not taken into account while the HTTP function is running. HTTP functions work with full authority.

A user with Access-WS-Invoke (Web service call authorization) must be specified. The web service call process is recorded in the security authorization records.

  • Usercode: Authorized user code
  • Password: The user password field

Details are given on the relevant pages for the services described under the headings below.

  • Access_audio_Record_file
  • PMS Transactions

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