Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  • 21 Feb 2022
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Article summary

How many agents can use same extension? Does it require to create separate extension for different agent login?

System can allow some agents to use same extension. Therefore, one extension can be assigned to more than 1 agent. But, only one agent can login to the system with this extension at the same time. They can use the same extension only in different times. However, it is not recommended to assign same extension to different agents. Because, it can cause complexity for reports. Using same extension can cause inconsistency in reports.

What are definitions of campaign result and after call work?

  • Terminate
    It ends the current call.
  • Scheduled and continue calling
    When the scheduled time came, it calls the related contact. In this time, agent continues to campaign calls.
  • Delete dialed number and continue calling
    It deletes the called number. When the scheduled time came, it calls the next number that belongs to related contact and it repeats this operation for all numbers that belongs to contact.
  • Block called number and continue calling
    It saves the called number to defined block list. When the scheduled time came, it calls the next number that belongs to related contact and it repeats this operation for all numbers that belongs to contact.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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