Tegsoft Support Levels
  • 04 Jan 2022
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Tegsoft Support Levels

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Article summary

Tegsoft uses DevOps technique over CMMI Quality standards. The main goal behind the whole operation is to keep the customer happy, thus increasing loyalty.

Before continuing please collect basic knowledge about DevOps and CMMI. The below Images can be useful for an initial understanding.

Figure A - CMMI Levels

Figure B - DevOps

The only process defined in the current document is post-sales. Pre-sales, sales, setup are not part of this document.

Tegsoft is following industry-standard software support levels. Please refer to the table below.



Example Tasks


Self-help user retrieved information

  • Basic & Advanced usage
  • Contact Center Management & Monitoring
  • Reporting


Basic level of support

  • Understanding and Identifying requirement
  • Identifying issues via screenshots or repeatable steps.
  • Escalate and track requirement


Advanced operational support

  • Identifying issues via screenshots or repeatable steps.
  • Escalate and track requirement
  • Create ticket


Software Support

  • Identify undocumented and uncommon issues
  • Provide a solution which fixes the current issue and prevents it from happening in other customers
  • Properly record and publish any information that can be used to further improve future customer satisfaction


Developer Support

  • Understanding and fixing reported issues with reliable and consistent solutions
  • Improve current features
  • Develop additional feature, based on market observation,

Level 0 Self-help

This support is usually delivered by the customer itself via self-help tools and publicly available tools and documents such as:

  1. Release Notes: Include information about new features, improvements, and security fixes. This file may also contain information about known problems and their workarounds. https://docs.tegsoft.com/docs/current-release-notes
  2. Knowledge: By clicking the Knowledge link, you can access known solutions about Tegsoft Setup, API Documentation, Whatsapp, Voice, Webchat, Facebook Messenger, SMS and Email. https://docs.tegsoft.com/
  3. API Documentation: You can see the API integration information in this link. https://apidocs.tegsoft.com/
  4. FAQ: Click the link for frequently asked questions about Tegsoft. https://tegsoft.com/faq/
  5. Email Support: You can always reach Tegsoft Software Support team via support@tegsoft.com

Level 1 Basic Support

This support is usually delivered via entry-level technical support staff. The main goal is to deliver help for basic items. The most common tasks are listed below:

  • Configure Tegsoft and help running designed solution
  • Help the customer with usage, reports and similar requirements via online materials
  • Fix basic client-side issues (Permission, headset, etc.)
  • Help the customer with basic customer environment issues (network, firewall, voice flow, etc.)
  • Attend customer phone calls
  • Respond to customer emails and text messages
  • Provide product information
  • Create and manage Level 2 tickets, providing all the relevant information
  • Track any update on the ticket and communicate them properly to the customer

Level 2 Operational Advanced Support

This support is usually delivered via skilled technical support staff. The main goal is to deliver support for non-basic issues. The most common tasks are listed below:

  • Perform periodic maintenance on customer systems
  • Qualify reported L1 issues and requirement with a proper documentation
  • Analyze logs and call flows
  • Identify steps to reproduce the reported issue
  • Create a documented ticket (full description of the requirement, screenshots etc.) when needed, classifying the problem based on the following:
    • Bugfix requests
    • Improvements
    • New feature requests
    • API Related Requirements
    • Non-existing Documentation Request or Questions
    • IVR Requirements
  • Execute requested tasks when directed by Tegsoft Operation Team, and Track and report the results.
  • In order to provide Outstanding Customer Experience L2 staff is expected to:
    • Be up to date on new features, release notes and other documentation
    • Help Level 1 staff and improve their skills
    • Improve skills on hardware, networking, and Linux
    • Understand new features & updates, test and try in a safe environment, improve technical skills and transfer know-how to customer

Level 3 Software Support

This support is usually delivered via highly-skilled technical support staff. The main goal is to deliver support for uncommon and complicated issues. The most common tasks are listed below:

  • Identify undocumented and uncommon issues (e.g. issues which appear without apparent casuality or identifiable patterns)
  • Provide a solution which fixes the current issue. Notify the interested parties
  • Provide a solution or methodology to prevent the issue from happening in any other customer
  • Properly record and publish any information that can be used to further improve future customer satisfaction. For example, but not limited to:
    • Properly Record and Manage Tickets so to pre-identify known solutions for future cases
    • Create and Publish documents of public interest such as Release notes, Product Manuals, Guides, Useful articles, documentation of best practices, installation and configuration, Technical FAQ etc.
    • Partner enablements documents and training

Level 4 Developer Support

This support is usually delivered by development teams as it includes modifying current code or developing new one. The main goal is to fix identified bugs within the current technology, release new features based on customer requests and improve the overall customer experience. The most common practices are:

  • Helping and improving Level 3 support process
  • Understanding and fixing reported issues with reliable and consistent solutions which can be easily replicated
  • Improve current features to keep the technology in line with market needs
  • Develop additional feature, based on market observation, to maintain the technological advantage and long-term viability of the solution

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