CTI Integration
  • 04 Dec 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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CTI Integration

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Article summary

CTI is a term that comes from the initials of Computer Telephony Integration, expressing the integration between the computer and the telecom product. The process of showing customer information on the screen when a call comes to the agent or when the agent initiates a call is called CTI popup. Tegsoft CTI operates according to popup parameters defined in "Contact Center Management -> Parameters" application.

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There are 3 different popup parameters in the parameters section:

  • cc_popup.close: It is the parameter that determines how the CTI screens will operate after the call to the agent is ended. The default value is true, causes the screens to close with the finish the call, and false causes them to remain open until the next call comes.
  • cc_popup.dialoutpopup: It is the parameter that determines the CTI behavior when the agent initiates a call. The default value, true, causes the number to show in the CTI popup, and false causes no action in the CTI with the call.
  • cc_popup.mode: t is the parameter that CTI screens will appear on the agent screen. It has 3 different uses as explained below. These differences in usage can be viewed in the screenshots below.
    * Internal: By default, it allows only Tegsoft CRM to be displayed on the agent screen.
    * External: Provides only Popup URLS to be displayed as tabs on the Agent screen.
    * Both: Provides both Tegsoft CRM and Popup URLs to be displayed with two separate tabs on the agent screen.

Pop-Up Mode Internal Status

In this case, only Tegsoft CRM will run on the Agent screen.
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Pop-Up Mode External Being Status

In this case, only Popup URLs will be seen on the agent screen.
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Being Both in Pop-Up Mode

In this case, both Tegsoft CRM and Popup URLs will appear on the agent screen. Popup is the preferred method in cases where it will look at the URL. Information notes on the screen of the agent, scripts to facilitate his service, additional CRM etc. applications can be used as a Popup URL to make transactions from other screens.

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Tegsoft CTI Popup URL Definition

Popup URL is defined from the "Call Center Management -> Integration Parameters" application.
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Unlimited different screens can be defined. These screens can be authorized on the basis of agents with "Contact Center Management -> Agent Management" application.
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Login URL

The login URL appears when the agent logs into the system. It is the screen that is used to enter user code and password for agents at login.

Sample URL : http://www.mycrm.com/process.asp?screen=login&user={USERCODE}&uid={UID}

Sample Result : http://www.mycrm.com/process.asp?screen=login&user=ahmet.dogan&uid=aswda-sdasd-qwdqwef-qwdd

Parameters to be Used: Explanations of parameters such as user code, password, ID information etc. are given below.

Call URL

Call URL is the URL that will be displayed on the screen when the agent receives a call.

Sample URL : http://www.mycrm.com/process.asp?screen=popup&user={USERCODE}&phone={PHONE}

Sample Result : http://www.mycrm.com/process.asp?screen=popup&user=ahmet.dogan&phone=02123212088

Parameters to be Used: User code, password, ID information, From which queue the call came from, from which phone number it came from, unique call number, etc. information about the call. In addition, all of the information on the well-known person card. Descriptions of the parameters are given below.

After-Call URL

After Call URL is a URL to be displayed after the call ends.

Smaple URL: http://www.mycrm.com/process.asp?screen=disconnect&user={USERCODE}

Sample Result : http://www.mycrm.com/process.asp?screen=disconnect&user=ahmet.dogan

Parameters to be Used: User code, password, ID information, etc. who have logged into the call center.

Call Parameters

  • {agentUID} / {AgentUID} / {AGENTUID} / {UID} : Unique code of logged in user — Example: ID d19d89a9-bc90-4d6e-801a-cd8153548c58 (The user ID that received the call)
  • {USERCODE} : User code that is logged in — Example: name.surname (The user ID that received the call)
  • {CONTTYPE} : Contact type — Example: VOICE, EMAIL, CHAT, CAMP, etc.
  • {PHONE} : Phone number of the caller
  • {SKILL} : Skill(Queue)
  • {SKILLNAME} : Skill(Queue) Name
  • {TODAY}: Date information without time
  • {DATE} / {Date} / {NOW}: Date information with time in the format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS
  • {NOWms}: EPOCH format of the current date and time — Represents the timestamp in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
  • {UNIQUEID} / {CALLID} : The unique number of the call
  • {CALLDATE}: The start (initiation) date of the call.
  • {ANSWERED_AT}: The answer date of the call.
  • {ENDED_AT}: The hang-up date of the call.
  • {DID} / {DST}: Dialed phone number.
  • {DIALSTATUS}: Call results — Possible values: BUSY, NO ANSWER, ANSWER, CANCEL
  • {RINGTIME}: Ring duration in seconds.
  • {CALLDURATION}: Call duration in seconds.
  • {LOGINADDRESS}: IP Address of the logged-in user.
  • {CLEARPASSWORD}: The user's password in plain text (non-encoded).
  • {PASSWORD}: The user's password in an encoded format for security purposes.
  • {CHANNELSTATE}: Current channel state.
  • {FILELINK}: Link to the call recording file.
  • All fields in a POPUP contact card, such as {FIRSTNAME} (person's first name), {LASTNAME} (person's last name), and {PHONE7} (7th stored phone number), can be displayed during a call. This ensures quick access to relevant caller information, enabling personalized and efficient interactions without the need for manual searches.
  • Inputs made by the caller during the IVR process, such as menu selections or data entry (e.g., account numbers, customer IDs), can be captured and displayed as popups for the agent.

Webchat Parameters

  • {agentUID} / {AgentUID} / {AGENTUID} / {UID} : Unique code of logged in user — Example: ID d19d89a9-bc90-4d6e-801a-cd8153548c58 (The user ID that received the Webchat call)
  • {USERCODE} : User code that is logged in — Example: name.surname (The user ID that received the Webchat)
  • {CONTTYPE} : Contact type — Example: VOICE, EMAIL, CHAT, CAMP, etc.
  • {PHONE} : Phone number of the contact
  • {SKILL} : Webchat Skill(Queue)
  • {SKILLNAME} : Webchat Skill(Queue) Name
  • {TODAY} : Date information without time
  • {NOW} : Date information with time in the format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS
  • {UNIQUEID} / {CALLID} : : The unique number of the webchat call
  • {CLID} : The unique phone number of the Webchat call
  • {DID} / {DST}: The phone number to which the Webchat connection is made
  • {CONTID} : The unique number given to the contact
  • {TRUNKID} : The unique identifier of the trunk
  • {ROUTEID} : The unique detail identifier for trunk
  • {ENGINETYPE} : The type of Webchat integrations
  • {DIRECTION} : The type of call route

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