Call Detail Recording (CDR) Report Excel Data
  • 07 Mar 2023
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Call Detail Recording (CDR) Report Excel Data

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Article summary

This article covers all data and descriptions of the CDR report generated in excel format.

Columns and descriptions of the CDR excel report are given in the table below.

DurationDuration is defined as the entire amount of time between when the call started and ended. This is how long the call lasted.
Billing DurationThe total talking duration of the calls. This duration starts when the call is answered and ends when it terminates. 
ALL_TOTALThe total number of answered, busy, no answer and failed calls.
SKILL_TOTALThe total number of calls in the skill.
ANSWERED_TOTALThe total number of calls answered by the dialed number.
NOANSWER_TOTALThe total number of calls not answered by the dialed number.
BUSY_TOTALThe total number of calls that the dialed number is busy.
FAILED_TOTALThe total number of calls that the call failed.
ABANDON_TOTALThe total number of calls not answered by the agent.
SKILLANSWERED_TOTALThe total number of calls answered on skill (queue).
Call UniqueIdThe ID number of the call.
Call DateThe date the call was made.
Caller IdThe ID number of the calller.
CallerThe phone number of the caller.
DestinationThe phone number of the called.
Destination ContextThe destination context of call.
ChannelThe channel of the call.
Destination ChannelThe destination channel of the call.
BILLINGIDIf there is a billing rule for the call, it refers to the ID of the billing rule.
DESCRIPTIONIf there is a billing rule for the call, it refers to the description of the billing rule.
UNITPRICEIf there is a billing rule for the call, it refers to the unit price of the billing rule.
DispositionThe result of the call. Answered, busy, failed and, no answer is an example of disposition. 
Account CodeThe account code in the contact card.
User FieldThe direction of the call (Outbound, Inbound, Internal etc.)
SkillThe number of the call skill (queue).
Audio FileThe name of the audio file.
AgentThe name of the agent.
USERNAMEThe first name of the agent.
SURNAMEThe last name of the agent.
Skill StateThe last state of the call in the skill.
INTRUNKIDThe trunk ID for the inbound call.
INROUTEIDThe route ID for the inbound call.
CONTEXTIDThe ID number of the call profile.
OUTTRUNKIDThe trunk ID for the outbound call.
OUTROUTEIDThe route ID for the outbound call.
OUTPATTERNThe outbound pattern of the call.
Unique IdThe ID number of the contact.
FirstnameThe first name of the contact.
Last NameThe last name of the contact.
Civil NumberThe civil number of the contact.
Default Contact GroupThe contact group ID of the caller or called.
GRPNAMEThe contact group name of the caller or called.
Campaign IdThe ID number of the campaign.
Campaign NameThe name of the campaign.
Campaign StateThe state of the campaign.
RESULTIDThe result code ID of the campaign.
Campaign ResultThe result code of the campaign.
IVR DurationThe IVR duration (Interactive Voice Response) of the call. 
Talk Time

Talk Time is defined as the amount of talk duration for each voice call. 

If you place the voice call by dialing out the customer, the call direction is Outbound. If you receive the voice call by answering the customer call by the Agent or IVR, the call direction is Inbound.

  • When the call direction is Inbound (IVR), the duration a customer spends on an IVR call is represented as Talk Time.
  • When the call direction is Inbound (Queue) or Outbound, the duration an agent actually speaks to a customer is represented as Talk Time.
Ring DurationThe total duration between dialing the number and answering the call.
INTRUNKNAMEThe trunk name for the inbound call.
INROUTENAMEThe route name for the inbound call.
OUTTRUNKNAMEThe trunk name for the outbound call.
ProfileThe call profile of the call.
OUTROUTENAMEThe route name for the outbound call.
Wait DurationWait duration is defined as theamount of time customer spends on the line after the interactive voice response (IVR) system announcement until connecting to the agent.
DTMFThe dialings (DMTF) in the IVR.
Talk time of caller (excluding overlaps)The caller's talk time excluding overlaps .
Talk time of called (excluding overlaps)The callee’s talk time excluding overlaps.
Talking overlappedThe caller's and the callee's overlapped talk time.
Talking party change (Caller-> Called)The number of talking party changes from caller to callee in the call.
Talking party change (Called-> Caller)The number of talking party changes from callee to caller in the call.
Interruption Count of CallerThe interruption count of called's talk.
Interruption Count of CalledThe interruption count of callee's talk.
Caller Silence DurationThe silence duration of the caller.
Silence duration of calledThe silence duration of the callee.
Both parties are silentThe silence duration of the caller and callee at the same time.
Total Talk TimeThe total talk duration of the caller and callee.
EXTEN1The extension number of the agents who were involved in the call for the any reason.
EXTEN2The extension number of the agents who were involved in the call for the any reason.
EXTEN3The extension number of the agents who were involved in the call for the any reason.
EXTEN4The extension number of the agents who were involved in the call for the any reason.
EXTEN5The extension number of the agents who were involved in the call for the any reason.
EXTEN6The extension number of the agents who were involved in the call for the any reason.
EXTEN7The extension number of the agents who were involved in the call for the any reason.
EXTEN8The extension number of the agents who were involved in the call for the any reason.
EXTEN9The extension number of the agents who were involved in the call for the any reason.
EXTEN10The extension number of the agents who were involved in the call for the any reason.
SRTEXTINThe text of callee's speech recognition.
SRTEXTOUTThe text of caller's speech recognition.
Company NameThe name of the company.
Project NameThe name of the project.
TotalThe total number of calls answered by the dialed number.
AnsweredThe total number of calls answered by the dialed number.
BusyThe total number of calls that the dialed number is busy.
FailedThe total number of calls that the call failed.
No AnswerThe total number of calls not answered by the dialed number.
Extension (Out Route)The extension of the caller.
Exten (In Route)The extension of the called.
StatusThe result of the call. Statuses are answered, busy, failed, no answer, cancelled.
ROUTEIDThe ID number of the route.
Route NameThe name of the route.
Listened DateThe date the call was listened.
RemoteIPThe remote IP address of the user listened to the call.

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